Thursday, November 10, 2022

Self-care is priority.

To give your best, you must fill yourself up first! Take the time to tend to your own needs - self-care is essential for a successful and happy life.

You can't pour from an empty cup. Self-care is priority. 🫶

You wouldn't let this happen to your phone. Don’t let it happen to you either. 

Self-care is a priority, not a luxury.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Great things always begin from inside

It’s the way we think that makes all the difference. ✨💭 

If we let outside forces control us, then it's our own fault when things go wrong. 🥀 

But if we let our inner strength guide us, then we can fill our lives with positivity and happiness. 💕💖🌹

“If an egg is broken by outside force, LIFE ENDS. If broken by inside force, LIFE BEGINS. 
Great things always begin from inside.”

Monday, November 7, 2022

A bird sitting on a tree...

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not in the branch but on its wings.

Always believe in yourself.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

There are people less qualified than you, doing things you want to do...


If you never try you'll never know.

You’re created for more, so be willing to go the extra mile! 

There are people less qualified than you, doing things you want to do, simply because they decided to take action. -Jack Ma

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Plant seeds of happiness, hope, and love...

“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.” ― Steve Maraboli

Friday, November 4, 2022

Keep your eyes on the prize...

 Leave you fears behind and just focus on what you want to achieve!

“Keep your goals in front of you, and your fears behind you.” -Tony Robbins

“Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.” -Tony Robbins

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Your future is created by what you do today.

All our dreams and aspirations can only come true if we do something about them. 💭👊🏻

If you want a bright future then you need to act now, not tomorrow or next week. ⏰ 

⚠️ Make it happen today!

"Your future is created by what you do today not tomorrow." -Robert Kiyosaki

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Life is like a piano 🎹🎶

 Life is like a piano 🎹🎶 The white keys are happy days, and the black keys are sad ones. Remember, that you need both to make music.

“Life is like a piano. White keys are happy moments and the black ones are sad moments. Both keys are played together to give us the sweet music called Life.” ― Suzy Kassem

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

You have the power to create a beautiful story...

Words are your paintbrush, and your life is the canvas. You can paint whatever you want to paint. — Miguel Ruiz  🎨

You have the power to create a beautiful story -- your heaven on earth.

TODAY your life is a blank canvas, it's up to you what to paint — Steven Aitchison

Monday, October 31, 2022

Butterflies can't see how beautiful they are...

I hope you can see how wonderful and beautiful you are... how you brighten someone's life just by being around.

"Butterflies can't see their wings. They can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that too." -Naya Rivera

Self-care is priority.

To give your best, you must fill yourself up first! Take the time to tend to your own needs - self-care is essential for a successful and ha...